Easy Bubble and Squeak Recipe

Bubble and Squeak

Although Bubble and Squeak is traditionally a leftovers meal, my mum always made it from scratch, she boiling the cabbage and potatoes purposely to make it. So that's what I do too, I'm not a fan of cabbage outside of this dish.

A good tip is when making mashed potatoes, purposely make extra so that you have mash to make bubble and squeak quickly, anytime you want. In an airtight container, fresh potato mash will last up to a week in the fridge, providing you haven't added milk or butter that would go out of date during that time.

Bubble and Squeak is a great accompaniment to meat or on it's own as a vegetarian option.

Bubble and Squeak Ingredients

To serve 4:
  • 4 Large New Potatoes
  • 5 Large Dark Cabbage Leaves (I use Savoy Cabbage)
  • 20g Butter
  • Salt and Pepper to season

How To Make Bubble and Squeak

  • Rapidly boil the potatoes for 30 minutes in lightly salted water
  • Roughly shred the Cabbage leaves, then boil for 8-10 (I always add a teaspoon of sugar to the water)
  • Even better, use your leftovers!
Not A Fan Of This On It's Own

  • After the potatoes are boiled I drain them and quickly add the butter and begin to mash
  • Drain the cabbage
You could then just add the Salt and Pepper to taste, but I like to add a few more things to make the mash more interesting.
I also add:

A small handful of grated mature Cheddar Cheese
2 heaped teaspoons of Chives
Garlic Salt
1 teaspoon of English Mustard

  • Mash in the pan until smooth.
  • Mix the mash and cabbage together
  • Using your hands make the desired sized patties
  • Heat oil in a pan and add the bubble and squeak
Bubble and Squeak Cooking
  • Fry on a high heat for 8-10 minutes each side.

If you like the crispness of the outer potato, you can continue to mash gently in the frying pan with a fork; reshaping as you go. This means that the outer crispy coating will be mashed inwards and the texture will be more defined. I actually like the contrast between the creamy inside and the crispy outer coating, but it's easy to do either.

Bubble and squeak Is great for disguising greens, I have always HATED cabbage, but as a child my mum could get me to eat Bubble and Squeak without a second thought. It's a great way to get kids to eat some greens (though the Cabbage would be healthier steamed) and as an adult, I still can't face Cabbage as a side vegetable, but I do love Bubble and Squeak and make it most weeks.

I mainly serve mine with my homemade Pork Burgers, but when I sometimes don't feel like eating meat, I have it alone as a vegetarian option.

Great Side Dish

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